Adidas Youth Response Headgear


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Product Information

Protect your young wrestler with the Adidas Youth Response Headgear. Fully adjustable and designed for a secure fit, this ear guard offers maximum protection and superior comfort. The three-strap system ensures a proper fit in seconds, making it perfect for any young athlete. Get ready to dominate the mat with Adidas.

Adidas Youth Response Headgear- A Little Headgear for Big Dreams

When shopping for a new wrestling headgear it's important to
remember why you’re buying it in the first place. It’s not so you can
look like the coolest kid in school or have the craziest colors, it's
because the headgear you buy probably won't last forever; but your ears
will. That’s why the Adidas Youth Response headgear is one of the
top-rated youth wrestling headgears available. It’s comfortable, looks
great, is easy to use, and does a fantastic job keeping those tiny
developing ears healthy. One of the biggest sellers for the Response
Youth Headgear is how comfortable it is. Because we all know what
happens when kids have something that’s uncomfortable; they take it off.
Whether they’re shoes, headgear, ties, clothes, it doesn’t matter, if
it’s uncomfortable, kids ditch it. This bad habit of ear health can lead
down a dangerous road to, you guessed it, cauliflower ear. That gross,
wrinkly, irreversible damage to the ear cartilage. And the worst thing
about cauliflower ear is that it doesn’t discriminate. Old or young, new
wrestler or seasoned vet, it doesn’t matter. If your ears take a hit
the wrong way, you could find the cauliflower ear fairy visiting you in
the middle of the night. The Adidas Youth Response is the perfect answer
to this age-old problem, as its vinyl covered foam is extremely
comfortable. This will leave you rest assured your kids ears are well
protected. The design of the Adidas Response also allows plenty of sound
to pass through, which means the wearer will be able to hear their
coaches no matter how loud the cheering gets. The Velcro straps across
the top and back of the Adidas ear guard gives the perfect combination
of signature look with youth wrestling functionality. With quick on the
fly adjustments it's never been easier to quickly fit a headgear without
all of the unnecessary buckling and prying of the old school versions.
Completing the Adidas Response Youth Headgear is an easily adjustable
chin strap with added padding that is both comfortable and effective in
keeping the Response properly strapped on, no matter the situation. So,
whether you're shopping for a wrestler who just started down their
journey of greatness yesterday, or for someone who’s already winning
gold medals, the Adidas Response Youth Headgear is ready to protect the
ears of tomorrow.