
Wrestling Backpacks & Gear Bags


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Wrestling Gear Bags and Backpacks

If you have stuff, please continue reading. If you don’t have stuff, find some cool stuff on our site then return to this page to find a cool bag for all your new stuff. Here at WrestlingMart, we carry a variety of bags, performance gear bags, and backpacks to carry all of your wrestling gear and other “stuff” in. Luckily, wrestling is a sport that doesn’t require ridiculous amounts of padding and other equipment to participate. Normally a pair of shoes, headgear, mouth guard, kneepads, shirt and shorts is about all you need. Even that may be more than some wrestlers use. If you’re at a tournament trying to stay warm or need to make weight, you might also add sweats, running shoes, and a jump rope to that list.

Fortunately, we have different sized bags so to fit any amount of wrestling gear you decide to carry. With one of our WrestlingMart Performance Gear Bags, most wrestling can fit all of the above mentioned gear in one place. So whether you’re at practice or a tournament, you should be able to keep everything securely packed away and carry it on your back. Our gear bags come with a zippered front pocket for small stuff and a divider on the inside to separate your sweaty and clean clothes. We even included mesh panels to let your sweaty clothes dry out. 

If you pack a little lighter, we also have some medium sized backpacks, as well as even smaller pull-string bags if you only need to carry a couple small items. The smaller backpacks are often great during tournaments if you need a safe place to put your shirt, shorts and water bottle while you wrestle.

Coaches, if you are interested in customizing bags or ordering in bulk, please contact us. 

If you have any questions on gear bags or backpacks, please contact us at 1-888-887-8893.